Thousands of people died in the war between
There are 300 families of refugees and they have to live in terrible conditions. Their main problem is water. They have water to a tight schedule from 5o’clock to 7 o’clock and the worst of all is that they have one tap for several families and they can not manage all their chores. The tap is in the street and they have to drag water from the street to their houses with pails. “Several families have one tap, which is in the street and all of us have to drag water in buckets,”- said one of the refuges. They want to have individual taps in all families, not to torture like that.
The head of the village GELA BEGASHVILI said that company “CARE” is going to help them and arrange this problem. They are interested in this problem and are making solving plans and calculating how much water will be enough to provide all the families and the near future they will decide this problem.
In the village except this problem their is another problem of dwelling-space. “we have not enough dwelling-space and there is mess all around in the house,”-said one of the refuges NATELA MAISURADZE.
Another problem is gas. They have limited quantity of gas, which is not enough for them. “ we can not use gas for heating , because pressure is very low,”-said one of the refuges. About this the head of the village said that the government knew this problem and they were waiting for their help.
There is one school in FREZETI, which is far from village and it is difficult to walk their, because of the bad road. “ the road is very bad and there is terrible dirt and it is very had to go there everyday,”-said the teacher of the school LILI BALKHAMISHVILI, 70. The head teacher DAVID MIDELASHVILI said that they did not have enough school-books at the beginning of the school year. So it was impossible to learn. “ One businessman, whose name I can not remember, helped us and brought school-books for our children,”-said MIDELASHVILI. What about heating fortunately the school has enough it.
One of their problems is bad road. They said that that’s why they have not frequent guest. also their problem is earth, which is very bad for crops and they can not grow fruit and vegetables. “ the earth is bad and everything we grow is damaged,”-said one of the refuges.
The head of the village said that there are coming people from nongovernmental organizations and helps them. “there is a UNITED NETIONS ORGANIZATION program and they come once a month and bring us food-supply.
What about another things, the ambulance is in TSEROVANI, which is located in eastern
. The “Transparency International – Georgia” that is a member of an Advisory Council of the Coalition “for IDPs rights”, has implemented monitoring in 14 places of the compact settlement of IDPs, who were forced to leave their homes during the war in August.
According to “Transparency International – Georgia” most part from 130 000 IDPs, who left their homes in August 2008, returned back. However, according to actual information about 25 000 people are still refugees.
As the migration management’s mane specialist MIKHEIL TEDORADZE said exists small projects for FREZETI, Which processing is going. For example it is going to working about the water problems with province. “it is difficult to say before hand, when it will be done , but we are trying everything,”-said TEDORADZE.
He also talked about bad harvest and he said that refugees in FREZETI have not given out lands yet, but we hope that this problem will arrange soon. What about problem of gas low pressure it must be verified in gas company. “we have not received the advertisement from FREZETI about this problem, because of I can not speak about this,”-said TEDORADZE.
I offer you some facts and I hope it will help you to imagine their conditions.
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